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Stink Bug Invasion: How To Protect Your Raleigh Home

Stink bug inside a home.

Stink bug pest control in Raleigh begins with a fundamental understanding of why these pests like to spend time in or near human homes. Fortunately, stink bugs aren’t very complicated in their motivations or their behavior, so the educated homeowner can do a lot to prevent stink bug problems.

We’re about to embark on an overview of how to stop stink bug invasions before they start, and we’ll also cover the professional option for homeowners who are in the midst of an invasion as we speak.

Signs Of An Invasion: How To Identify Stink Bug Presence

So, what does a stink bug look like? These insects have flat bodies, six legs, and antennae. Most distinctively, from above, they have the shape of a shield. Their bodies can also have complex patterns. In overall size, stink bugs are just over half an inch long.

Stink bugs tend to live and travel in relatively large groups, so stink bugs arriving in your home really can feel like an invasion. If you see a handful of stink bugs in your backyard, for instance, it will likely be only a matter of time before you start to notice more and more.

If you’re unsure about whether you’re really seeing stink bugs and not some other type of insect, then you can take a photo of the bug in question and compare it to online resources like this one. You can also reach out to a local home pest control service for more information.

Indoor Defense: Keeping Stink Bugs Out Of Your Living Spaces

If you want to keep your home stink bug-free, then you need to know how to prevent stink bugs from entering in the first place. Use the following tips to prevent stink bug home invasions:

  • Search for even the smallest openings into your home and block them off.
  • Check window screens for tears. Patch or replace damaged screens as soon as possible.
  • Use motion-sensitive exterior lights to avoid attracting stink bugs and other pests at night.
  • Cut down on the amount of moisture and standing water near your home.
  • Make sure not to leave out any food. Store leftovers in sealed containers.
  • Reduce the humidity in your basement and bathrooms.

In addition to these tips, stay alert to signs of stink bug activity. If you need help having them removed, you can always work with a local pest control company.

Landscaping Tips: Safeguarding Your Plants From Stink Bugs

Are stink bugs bad for plants? In large numbers, they can cause serious damage to plants through their feeding habits. But thankfully, there are steps you can take to safeguard your garden.

For one, remove any nearby debris, such as rotting wood or decomposing leaves. Establishing plants with strong scents, like catnip, lavender, and mint, can also deter curious stink bugs.

Regularly mow your lawn and rake leaves soon after they fall. You can also spray your vulnerable plants with soapy water. And as you’ve probably guessed, professional pest control is a great way to resolve the problem at its source.

Professional Help: When To Call In The Experts For Stink Bug Control

Stink bug control is the fastest way to stop the invasion. As for when you should make the call to a pest control service, that’s ultimately up to you. But we recommend that you make the call as soon as possible, right after seeing the first stink bug near your home.

If you’ve been seeing stink bugs inside your home, then it’s definitely time to take action. Stink bugs recognize that our homes provide nice warm shelter as well as sources of food. Once stink bugs are inside, it can be difficult to get them out on your own.

To enlist the help of a stink bug exterminator near you, contact Go-Forth Home Services today.