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The Problem With Hornets On Your Greensboro, NC Property

Hornet resting on pavement near grass.

Out of all the flying insects in Greensboro, NC hornets are among the most feared. And there's a good reason for this fear; a hornet sting packs quite a punch. Learn more about why you should keep hornets away and find out how to protect your property from these pests.

Which Hornets Live In Greensboro, NC?

To know what problems arise with hornets, you need to know about the local species. Technically, there is only one type of hornet in the area. The European hornet is the sole real hornet in the United States. Typically, adults are brown and yellow and have a long body. Their faces tend to be lighter than their bodies. On average, these Greensboro hornets grow to be about one inch long.

European hornets are particularly aggressive. If they see you as a threat, these hornets won't hesitate to attack. They often nest in cavities, so your yard could be highly appealing to them. When you approach a wall void or a hollow tree with a European hornet nest, you shouldn't be surprised if they sting you.

There's another type of flying insect that shares the hornet's name but isn't a hornet. The bald-faced hornet is a close relative of the yellow jacket. However, its large size makes this flying insect resemble a hornet. With a long and thin body, this insect can grow over ½ inch long. At close inspection, you may notice an off-white pattern on the hornet's face, abdomen, and the thorax.

If you see a paper-like nest in your yard, you could be looking at a bald-faced hornet nest. They tend to be aggressive when you invade their space, so it's essential to avoid nest areas.

Are They Dangerous?

Whether you have European or bald-faced hornets, you should be wary. A sting from either insect is painful, and some people are allergic to venom. If you have an allergic reaction, you need immediate medical attention. Making matters worse is the fact that these flying insects sting multiple times. And any one of those times, you could have an allergic reaction. If you have children on your property, the risks are particularly high. They may not know to avoid a hornet nest or how to escape their stings.

Besides the dangers of an unprovoked sting, there are other issues with hornet infestations. The nests are difficult to remove and require professional assistance. Although people often try to remove nests on their own, these DIY (do it yourself) attempts usually end in failure and stings.

The Trouble With DIY Hornet Removal

Why is removing a hornet nest so challenging and dangerous?

  1. You don't have the right tools for the job. A store-bought wasp killer might kill some wasps, but there's a chance it won't eliminate them all. And if you use the spray improperly, you risk your health.
  2. You don't have the right experience. If you haven't worked with hornets before, you won't know how to remove a nest safely. Even if you think all the insects are gone, there could be a few hornets remaining inside. Disturbing a nest is perhaps the worst thing you could do.
  3. You don't know how to keep the hornets from returning. When you destroy one nest, there is a chance hornets will build another one nearby. A pest control professional can ensure your property is unappealing to hornets and other stinging insects.

Count On Us

Your best chance at safe and effective hornet removal is to work with us at Go-Forth Home Services. Our technicians have years of experience and access to the right tools for hornet removal. We use environmentally friendly, safe pest extermination methods designed to be safe for children and pets. Call us today to learn more about our process at Go-Forth Home Services and get a free quote!