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What Columbia, SC Property Owners Need To Know About Brown Recluse Spiders

a brown recluse spider in a house

This might seem surprising, but not every pest subspecies is the same. They come in different colors and sizes. Beyond that, they might require alternate environmental conditions. Their habitats, behavioral patterns, and diets could all vary. Some classes are even more dangerous than others. Several insect and creature groups are entirely lethal. You might presume that spiders would be one of these said groups, but that’s actually not the case. While many carry venom and can bite, a few arachnids are essentially harmless. Brown recluse spiders are risky to be around for sure.

Medical and pest experts have deemed brown recluse spiders as one of the most hazardous. It might be uncomfortable to read about them, but doing so can put you ahead of their curve. You’ll learn how they operate and exactly why you should be on alert. Further, you’ll discover how to prevent their intrusions in Columbia with Go-Forth Home Services.

How Do Brown Recluse Spiders Look & Behave? What Are the Risks?

It’s all in a name with brown recluse spiders, as they are indeed brown or tan. Occasionally, you may spot one that’s yellow-gray. Regardless of their shading, they all have oblong stomachs with gray hairs on them. A mark shaped like a violin adorns their heads. In terms of size, they are 0.25 to 0.37 of an inch long, just their legs are 1 inch or more. They’re frequently mistaken for other species, like wolf spiders. 
Outdoors in organic matter is where brown recluses flourish, nesting in things like stacks of dead leaves and piles of logs. This doesn’t mean they have an aversion to interiors, though. Homes and businesses provide them with the warmth and shelter they sometimes need. Commonly, they are found in garages, sheds, and underneath porches. 
At night is when these bugs get really busy. It’s their time to hunt for insects and other prey to eat. Roaches, grasshoppers, and crickets are among their favorite cuisines. While they are scavenging, they might creep indoors. Gaps around air conditioning units, vents, utilities, and foundations are their usual entry points. People often unknowingly bring them in with boxes and storage containers. These spiders will get settled in closets, basements, and attics because of the quiet and darkness. Be sure to look over your clothes and shoes. 
Given that brown recluses snack on pests, you may have an overarching critter problem if you see the spiders. A major infestation sign is finding their messy webs. Seek medical attention immediately if you’re bitten; of which there’s a moderate chance. You may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Skin sensitivity, swelling, and ulceration  
  • Lesions
  • Scaring  
  • Fever 
  • Nausea
  • Sleeping difficulties 
  • Death (rare)

Is There a Way to Prevent Brown Recluse Spiders?

Brown recluse spiders are year-round pests, despite being most active during warmer months. In any event, it would behoove you to employ prevention techniques:

  • Have all leaks and moisture defects repaired
  • Cut down on clutter
  • Dust, sweep, and vacuum on a regular basis 
  • Inspect wood, plants, and boxes before bringing them indoors 
  • Patch up cracks around foundations, doors, and windows Distance wood and greenery a couple of feet from the property
  • Make sure your yard stays trimmed and neat
  • Call Go-Forth Home Services if you have insects spiders consume

How Will Go-Forth Home Services Handle Brown Recluse Spiders?

We at Go-Forth Home Services have top-of-the-line treatments specially made to exterminate brown recluse spiders. These solutions are robust, but safe for humans and domestic animals. The land and vegetation of your home or business will be protected as well. Our technicians are highly trained and experienced. Enjoy our cost-friendly plans, loaded with perks! Call us today at Go-Forth Home Services for a quote!