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The Best Pest Control For Cockroaches (Charlotte Exterminators)

A cockroach crawling on food

We are always told that we should not judge a book by its cover. But, with the despicable cockroaches, their appearance perfectly matches their filthiness. Perhaps no other creature elicits such hatred as roaches can from humans. The presence of these insects alone can cause loud screams that you can hear throughout the neighborhood. Getting our food in contact with these filthy creatures can get us in the hospital, or worse, death.

Cockroaches thrive in dirty places. They live in garbage bins, sewers, and septic tanks, among other places. Because of their dirty habits, they get to carry bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. This is why residents of Charlotte, NC are always looking for ways to control cockroaches. Luckily, there are a lot of very good Charlotte pest exterminators around. 

Let us find out more about cockroaches in this article.


There are around 4,600 species of cockroaches all around the world. Fortunately, not all of them are household pests. Some are even classified as beneficial insects.

Cockroaches are pests of medium length, with round, flat, and sturdy bodies. They have long antennae and a strong external exoskeleton that make them tough to crack. They are endowed with wings, however, they are clumsy fliers. These wings are connected to their second and third thoracic sections. They have six strong limbs that are attached to their three thoracic segments that are arranged in three pairs. They are nocturnal, so they are not very active during the day.  

Cockroaches Have Developed Invisibility to Practically Everything

Cockroaches are great survivors. Their species have withstood every natural and man-made calamity throughout history. They were already present during the Jurassic period when dinosaurs ruled the planet. Moreover, while the dinosaurs were declared to have been obliterated by a meteor crash millions of years ago, cockroaches survived.

Roches have an extremely hard exterior. You cannot easily squish them, unlike the other insects. Sometimes, a single stomp of a foot would not even be enough to kill them. They would just simply shrug it off and just crawl away as if nothing happened.

Cockroaches can survive for a month without food and a week without water. They can get through even without their heads for one week. They can still breathe without their heads because of the tiny holes that are present throughout their segmented bodies. A cockroach dies after a week simply because they cannot drink without their heads.

Adult female cockroaches lay hundreds of eggs each year, assuring the continuity of their species.

Cockroaches eat everything. They eat fresh food, rotten food, trash, fruits and vegetables, feces, the glue used on books, hair, and even their own kind. This is why they are very dangerous because they are clearly capable of spreading infections.

Four common cockroaches are household pests here in the United States: the American, German, Oriental, and the brown-banded cockroach.

The Most Common Types of Cockroaches in the United States

Of the 4,600 species of cockroaches in the world, there are only 30 species that we can consider household pests. Out of the 30, you can only find 4 of these in the United States. Let us classify these four, so we can further discern how we can get rid of cockroaches.

American cockroach - These cockroaches are likewise referred to as “water bugs”. This is because they choose to be around warm and damp places like gutters, pipes, and waste in homes and buildings. They are American cockroaches, but they did not originate in America. They came from the Middle East and Africa and traveled to the United States via ships. This type of cockroach is the largest species among the common cockroaches. It can grow to about 4 cm in length and 7 mm tall. They are elliptical with a pair of developed wings They are clumsy flyers though. This type of cockroach is one of the filthiest and is capable of spreading diseases. These diseases include typhoid, amoebiasis, and cholera. An adult female American cockroach can produce as many as 150 eggs annually. They undergo 3 stages throughout their lifetime: the egg, nymph, and the adult. 

German cockroach - This type of pest is small; it grows only about 1.1 to 1.5 inches long. It is brown in color with 2 dark vertical stripes near the head. This type of cockroach is the most problematic, so you need prompt action once you detect one of these in your home. Their diet consists of meat, sugars, starch, fatty foods, glue, and even their own kind. They are regularly present in cafeterias, restaurants, fast food joints, hotels, and warehouses. And since the kitchen is their favorite place to stay, they can certainly transmit diseases by simply getting in contact with food.

Oriental cockroach - The oriental cockroach is a huge species of cockroach in terms of physical appearance relative to other cockroaches. An adult male can grow to about 18 to 29 mm, while a female adult can grow to about 20 to 27 mm. They have extremely deep brown coloring, practically black. They have a sleek body. Oriental cockroaches are the filthiest among all the cockroaches because they thrive in sewers, near trash, and under sinks. They reside in dirty, cooler places and produce a strong smell. They feed on garbage and organic material. While there are instances when they bite humans, they are more dangerous when they are spreading diseases.

Brown-banded cockroach - The brown-banded cockroach is smaller in size compared to other cockroaches. They grow to about 10 to 14 mm long. They are tan to light brown with two light-colored bands across their wings and midsection. You can distinguish the male from the female, with the male’s wings that cover their abdomen, while the female’s wings only partially cover their abdomens. They generally inhabit warm dry places. Brown-banded cockroaches lay their eggs under furniture because, apart from it being a good hiding place, they also do not need much water, unlike the other types of cockroaches. They also take cover in clothes, cracks on the floor, and wood. They can live for about 200 days. 

Roaches Spread Dangerous Diseases

Cockroaches are not merely carriers of diseases, but they likewise transfer them to humans. The World Health Organization has identified them as disease vectors. This means that they can bring disease to humans without being affected by diseases. They are known to spread diseases like cholera, typhoid fever, leprosy, dysentery, diarrhea, and polio, all life-threatening. They can also cause respiratory complications. Cockroaches are among the leading sources of asthma among minors in the United States.  


Cockroaches are truly unwelcome pests. The diseases that they carry and transmit make it very dangerous to co-exist with them. Therefore, getting rid of them early on is critical. Here is how you can solve cockroach infestation problems.

  1. Observe good housekeeping. Cockroaches thrive in dirty places, especially if they can find food that they can feed on. Make certain to dispose of your garbage properly and regularly. Cover your trash cans too to avoid attracting cockroaches. Wipe off food debris and drink spills. Sweep the floor frequently. Never leave unwashed dishes in the kitchen sink overnight since this would attract cockroaches. Worse is, they would be feasting on your bowls, pots, and containers. Wipe off food and drink spills immediately. When moving in furniture or taking home food, scrutinize them completely to avoid accidentally bringing cockroaches inside your home.
  2. Remove old magazines, newspapers, textiles, cardboard, and other comparable objects. Cockroaches love these items.
  3. Place leftover food in sealed plastic containers to keep them safe from cockroaches.
  4. Close and seal any cracks and crevices around the house by caulking. These are potential entry points for cockroaches.
  5. Eliminate moisture around your home. Cockroaches are attracted to cool and moist places around the household. Check your plumbing regularly, and fix leaking pipes, if any.
  6. Use diatomaceous earth. This is made up of fossilized remnants of diatoms. It is in powdered form and looks like little fragments of broken glass. If cockroaches crawl on them, it will inflict tiny cuts on their bodies, causing them to bleed to death. To make them more attractive to roaches, mix diatomaceous earth with cocoa powder. You can purchase diatomaceous earth from a local garden store near you.

These tips should help you get rid of all these pests in your home.

Professional Pest Control Company Near You

However, if the roach infestation problem is proving to be too much for you, do not despair. The best pest control management in Charlotte, Go-Forth Home Services, is just a phone call away. Go-Forth Home Services will help you eliminate these creepy crawlies. We make sure that we work with you so we can identify your requirements. At Go-Forth Home Services, we look at the long-term solution for you.

You can request for a free quote, or set an appointment with us. Why wait? Let us get rid of these cockroaches now.